2017 Vimy Award Gala Dinner

The 2017 Vimy Award Gala Dinner was nothing short of a success! Annually, the Vimy Award Gala Dinner brings together those who wish to celebrate the lifelong achievements of a deserving Canadian who has made a significant contribution to Canadian security & defence and remember the sacrifice of those who so bravely fought for our country. The CDA and CDA Institute would like to thank everyone for supporting our initiative to both commend and remember.

The Honourable William (Bill) Graham, the recipient of the 2017 Vimy Award, has many outstanding and notable contributions. Serving as Minister of Foreign Affairs (2002-2004) and Minister of National Defence (2004-2006), he championed initiatives vital to Canadian security & defence. To read more about his achievements, click here.

The Honourable William (Bill) Graham

Having served as both Foreign and Defence Ministers of this great country, it is particularly gratifying for me to be the recipient of an award that is associated with that feat of arms that signaled our country’s transition from a colonial dependency to a nation capable of shaping world events.  Vimy is emblematic of that golden thread that unites the sacrifices of our men and women in uniform with the place of honour that Canada occupies on the global stage.

As my colleague, John McCallum and I often repeated to one another…

Click here to read the entirety of The Honorable William (Bill) Graham’s Vimy Award Gala Dinner address. 

Airbus Defence & Space Canada

Alion Science and Technology

Babcock Canada

Commissionaires – Ottawa Division

David Pratt & Associates

Maxsys Staffing

The Royal Canadian Legion

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