Support Us

Please help us grow and deliver impactful education, research & recognition programmes Today.

Whether your donation is large or small, one-time or monthly, it all adds up and makes an important difference. 

The CDA Institute is a charitable organization that depends on the support of individual donors to foster an independent community of practitioners, scholars, students, and policy-makers who care about Canada’s role in the world and are keen to learn from one another to help promote a rational and evidence-based approach to Canadian security and defence. We issue charitable receipts for all donations over 50$.

Donating Online Only takes One Minute.

Friends of the CDA Institute 

Friends of the CDA Institute are major donors who contribute over $1,000 to the organization yearly or $100 monthly. They will be recognized publicly on our website and receive special benefits including:

– a subscription to our daily geopolitical email digest (by invitation only)

– a subscription to our daily media tracking email digest (by invitation only)

– a CDA Institute lapel pin (…so we can recognize you in the crowd)

– occasional special invitations to private events

Monthly giving

As a monthly donor, you give what you consider to be an affordable amount once a month, and your donations will continually support our research into the important defence and security matters for all Canadians.

Benefits of being a monthly donor

  • You can budget your financial impact by giving 12 smaller gifts a year versus one larger one
  • Every February you will receive your consolidated charitable tax receipt that includes every donation you made that year 
  • Preauthorized monthly payments are easy and convenient
  • You can upgrade, change, or cancel your monthly gift at any time.


Payment Options for you as a Monthly Donor

  • Credit Card: We will make ongoing and automated deductions from your credit card (Visa/Mastercard/AMEX) on the 1st of every month.
  • Post dated checks: You can also choose to send us 12 monthly installment cheques, made payable to the “Conference of Defence Association Institute”. 

You can sign up online to be one of our monthly donors, however we are also available by telephone at 613-236-9903, should you prefer to speak with one of our team members to make the arrangements on your behalf.

Donate by Mail

To donate via personal cheque, please make cheque payable to the “Conference of Defence Associations Institute” and mail to;

Conference of Defence Associations Institute
900-75 Albert Street
Ottawa On K1P 5E7

All donations are appreciated and will be receipted. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks to receive your receipt. Charitable Registration #118872100 RR 0001.

If you have any questions regarding your donation by mail, please contact Jennifer Giguere at 613-236-9903 or

Donate by phone

If you prefer to donate by phone by using your credit card (Visa, Mastercard, Amex), please contact Jennifer Giguere at 613-236-9903 or 819-665-4444.

Corporate Donations

A corporation is entitled to a tax deduction for the donation amount against their income. By reducing taxable income, the corporation reduces their tax liability. A corporation does not need to claim the full donation in a particular year. Donations can be carried forward for up to five years. Generally, a corporation can claim a deduction for charitable donations up to 75% of the corporation’s net income for the year.

Planned Giving - Legacy Giving

Legacy giving, sometimes generally referred to as “planned giving,” is a donation made by an individual through a will or other formal designation. Legacy gifts are typically prepared with a financial planner and are meant to reflect the values and desires of the donor.

As the name suggests, most donors want to leave a legacy or memory of their life through their planned gift. Planned giving comes in several forms, including bequests, gifts of life insurance, and charitable remainder trusts. We do recommend legal counsel, or the advice of a financial planning expert to support you in determining the type of gift that is the most advantageous for you and the beneficiaries of your estate.

By reducing the tax burden on your estate, a gift in your will won’t necessarily take away from what you plan to leave for loved ones. You can choose to make changes to your will at any time. Your bequest can be made as a specific dollar amount or asset, a percentage of your estate, a gift from the residue of your estate, or a beneficiary designation of certain assets. Naming CDA Institute as a beneficiary will not disrupt your income and can allow your estate to benefit from a charitable estate tax deduction, all while creating a legacy that will be valued in our field.

A gift in your will can be made in several ways, and we encourage you to speak with your lawyer to choose the type of gift that is right for you. The two most common types of gifts are residual and fixed.


Bequests are the easiest form of planned gift and can be made by naming Conference of Defence Associations Institute as a beneficiary in your will. Why leave a gift to CDA Institute in your will? You can make a larger gift than you ever thought possible.

Ways you can leave a gift in your will

A fixed bequest involves making a gift of a specific dollar amount in your will. Leave a residual bequest ‒ a share of the remainder of your estate after other needs are met A residual bequest is made from a percentage of everything you own, less any debts. If you know you want to leave a gift in your will to charities close to your heart, but don’t necessarily know what your future finances may look like, this option may work for you. Leave a contingent bequest ‒ a share of your estate after your other beneficiaries have passed on. A gift of life insurance:  For a modest cost, you can make a substantial gift by naming the CDA Institute as the beneficiary of a life insurance policy. A gift of RRSPs or RRIFs:  You can make a donation of all or a portion of any remaining retirement funds upon your death by naming CDA Institute as a beneficiary on your plan.



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