What’s New at the CDA Institute 11 May 2017

What’s New?

Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence releases its second report on National Defence / Le Comité sénatorial permanent de la sécurité nationale et de la défense publie son deuxième rapport sur la défense nationale

On Monday, the Senate Committee on National Security and Defence released a second report on the Armed Forces, providing more detail on a series of recommendations for reinvesting in defence over the next 11 years.  Covering a wide range of issues and capabilities, central to the report was the recommendation to increase defence spending to 2% of GDP over the next 11 years.

The report and Senate news release may be found at the following links:





It is strongly recommended that this report be read in conjunction with the first report, which can be found at the following links:



Media reporting, as for the first Senate report, was relatively light:

“Canada needs to ‘stand-up to our responsibilities” as report outlines recommendations for significant military buildup. (CBC, 8 May)


Report highlights the recommendation to reverse decision to buy F-18 Super Hornets and proceed quickly with the long-delayed competition. (CTV News, 8 May)


Focus on call for Liberals to kill interim Super Hornet purchase.  (iPolitics, 8 May)


Senate committee calls for Liberals to kill interim Super Hornet purchase, provides a series of recommendations on equipments to acquire in meeting NATO 2% spending goal. (City News, 8 May)


Recent CDA Institute Web Updates/Dernières mises à jour Web du CDA Institute:

Pierre Donais reçoit Tony Battista de l’Institut de la Conférence des associations de défense qui a assisté au discours du ministre Harjit Sajjan qui promet de trouver des solutions


Research Fellow Andrea Charron PhD outlines in a 2-part blog several key and well-grounded considerations concerning Canada and the Arctic as attention swings once again to this important region of our country.



Adam MacDonald provides here a succinct, 2 part review of the realities facing the US and China as they look to play influential roles concerning North Korea.



CDA Institute Aerograms – From our Research Fellow Howard Coombs

I would like to than Captain Tracy East, currently serving with Joint Task Force North, for sharing this material and analysis with us. I believe this analysis and the article relevant to the debates surrounding logistics support on contemporary operations. My thanks to Tracy for this interesting post.  VR Howard

Find attached a link to a short article, posted today on the Australian website Logistics In War:  (https://logisticsinwar.com/2017/04/28/the-trust-deficit-why-do-we-expect-logistics-to-fail-us/). The LIW article speaks to the abilities of (and trust in) the Australian combat service support (CSS) system, and examines widespread challenges to that system at the tactical level. The LIW article is an interesting contrast to an older article from Joint Force Quarterly which was published almost a year ago, and which examined the French Army’s expeditionary capabilities during Op SERVAL.  That op’s sustainment culture was based on austerity and “sufficiency” due to the rapid op tempo, vs more doctrinal (read here: cumbersome) methods of operational support.

It will be interesting to see any evolution of sustainment doctrine to address the need for tactical trust in the “system”, with a simultaneous need for rapid, autonomous, tactical logistics capabilities IOT sustain the force of the future.”

News around the World:

While the defence budget is ‘decoupled’ from actual GDP performance, recently released government figures indicate that Australia is set to grow the defence budget to reach 2% GDP by 2021. (The Diplomat, 11 May)


An interesting analysis comparing the navies of the ‘resurgent Russia’ and ‘rising China’. (ASPI The Strategist, 8 May)


Donald Trump reçoit le ministre russe des affaires étrangères, Sergueï Lavrov, afin de trouver un accord pour réduire les violences en Syrie. (France 24, 10 mai)


The election of Moon Jae-in as the next President of South Korea may present another level of complexity in this tense area of conflict. (CBC News, 11 May)


Présidentielle sud-coréenne : victoire du favori Moon Jae-in, partisan du dialogue avec Pyongyang (France 24, 11 mai)


L’armée irakienne à l’attaque sur deux fronts. (AFP, 11 mai)



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