Making National Security Safe Webinar Series

Making National Security Safe

“Making National Security Safe”is a webinar series dedicated to exploring ways in which government and industry can advance national interests and enhance national security through the force multiplication effects of diversity. How can we attract and retain the best people for the job? Much depends on work conditions and operational culture: being safe, and feeling safe.

Led by former Chief of Military Personnel and CDA Institute board member LGen Christine Whitecross (ret’d), the following series of webinars we will be discussing topics of gender, diversity, operational culture, and ways of revamping the legal and administrative means to fight hateful behaviour and sexual misconduct in the Canadian Armed Forces. The conversation will also go beyond the CAF to discuss diversity in the larger national security community and lessons learned, including in the business sector, multilateral organizations, and other government departments operating in this space.

Modernizing Military Justice

The Canadian Armed Forces’ justice system is facing significant changes with the implementation of Bill C-77, or An Act to amend the National Defence Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts, including through the implementation of the Declaration of Victims Rights within the Code of Service Discipline. In June 2021, further areas for potential changes were identified by the Third Independent Review of the military Justice system, commonly referred to as “the Fish report”, and has brought on debates about how this system operates and ensures that the Canadian military maintains its morale, efficiency, and discipline.

Force Multiplication Through Diversity

National security is a state priority, to protect and safety and security of its people and infrastructure, but it is also a broad field and industry with hundreds of career pathways and opportunities, many of which are not being proportionally taken up by women and racial minority groups. In both Canada and the United States, women and racial minorities remain underrepresented in national security and defence across government and industry. Gender balance and diversity across all sectors and at all levels is critical to achieving and sustaining peace in the field and has a tangible impact on operational effectiveness. Advancing a national security and defence workforce that looks like the nation it is securing is imperative to maintaining our competitiveness and upholding vital societal priorities.


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