What’s New at the CDA Institute, 20 April 2017

What’s New?


Release: Report of the Standing Senate Committee on National Security and Defence.

To little acclaim or attention, the Standing Committee on National Security and Defence released its report last week concerning the broader issues related to the to-be-released Defence Policy Review.  Based on evidence gathered from May until December 2016, the Report covers several themes that have been regularly highlighted by the CDA Institute, amongst others, with a series of recommendations for Government of Canada and Parliamentary action.  The CDA Institute is pleased to point out that of the witnesses regularly quoted in the report, a significant number of them are directly associated with the CDA and CDA Institute, particularly VAdm Denis Rouleau (Retired), Chair CDA, LGen Charles Bouchard (Retired), Vice-Chair CDA, MGen Daniel Gosselin (Retired), Chair of the CDA Institute BOD, Honourable David Pratt, CDA Institute Member of the Board, Research Fellows BGen (Dr) Jim Cox (Retired) and Col Charles Davies (Retired), as well as Tony Battista, CEO of both the CDA and the CDA Institute.  CDA Institute alumnus and current CGAI Senior Analyst David Perry was also extensively quoted.

The report and associated documents may be found at the following Senate of Canada webpage:



Changes at the CDA National Office and CDA Institute:

With several changes to the staff, the CEO of the CDA and CDA Institute, Tony Battista, is pleased to confirm the team that will enable success in leading the security and defence discussion in Canada for the coming year.  While these members are mainly part-time contractors, their dedication to the work of the CDA and the CDA Institute is truly commendable:

CDA National Office Associations Outreach Coordinator: Mr Sean McGrath  sean.mcgrath@cdainstitute.ca

CDA Institute Research Manager and Senior Editor: Mr Matthew Overton matthew.overton@cdainstitute.ca

CDA Institute Research Analyst and Editor: Mr Christopher Cowan chris.cowan@cdainstitute.ca

CDA Institute Business Development and Program Manager: Ms Jennifer Giguere jennifer@cdainstitute.ca

CDA and CDA Institute Officer Manager and Project Officer : Mr Robert Legere robert.legere@cdainstitute.ca

CDA and CDA Institute Awards Coordinator and Communications Manager: Mr Bruce Poulin bruce.poulin@cdainstitute.ca

CDA and CDA Institute Treasurer: Mr Pierre Desautels pierre.desautels@cdainstitute.ca


New CDA Institute Website:

If you have not had the opportunity yet, please take the time to stop and explore the new CDA Institute web site, which has been soft-launched as we complete the final work to make it fully functional.  This site will be the main platform for CDA Institute materials and web presence, where you will be able to find the full range of CDA Institute offerings, such as our Vimy Papers including the Strategic Outlook 2017 http://cdainstitute.ca/research-and-publications/vimy-papers/, the materials from the 2017 Conference on Security and Defence http://cdainstitute.ca/ottawa-conference-2017/ and of course our blogs http://cdainstitute.ca/blog/ and What’s New? as part of the main greeting page http://cdainstitute.ca/.  Send us your comments at http://cdainstitute.ca/contact/


Graduate Student Symposium:

The Conference of Defence Associations Institute (CDA Institute) will hold its 20th Annual Graduate Student Symposium on 12-13 October, 2017 at the Royal Canadian Military College of Canada, in Kingston, Ontario. For this significant anniversary year, we will be pleased to welcome several of our pioneer student presenters back to the Symposium.  We are also presenting for the first time the Captain Nichola Goddard ‘Game Changer’ Award to a prominent young Canadian who has made a significant contribution to Canadian Security and Defence.  For further details, please go to:



Recent CDA Institute Blogs:

(Audio) CDA Institute Research Fellow Elliot Tepper on Syria Bombing: http://cdainstitute.ca/cda-institute-research-fellow-elliot-tepper-on-syrian-airstrikes/

Strategic Changes in the Middle East – by Emmanuel Seitelbach: http://cdainstitute.ca/strategic-changes-in-the-middle-east-by-emmanuel-seitelbach/

CDA Institute Research Fellow Elliot Tepper Discusses the U.S. and NATO: http://cdainstitute.ca/12-april-2017-cda-institute-research-fellow-dr-elliot-tepper-discusses-the-u-s-and-nato/

CDA and CDA Institute CEO Tony Battista Discusses the U.S. Military Response to Syrian Chemical Attack: http://cdainstitute.ca/7-april-2017-cda-and-cda-institute-ceo-tony-battista-discusses-the-u-s-military-response-to-syrian-chemical-attack/ 

Remembering Vimy and the Canadian Experience in the Great War – by CDA Institute Research Manager and Senior Editor Matthew Overton: http://cdainstitute.ca/remembering-vimy-and-the-canadian-experience-in-the-great-war/ 


News around the World:

DND announces a modification of the application of changes in the hardship and risk assessment for certain OP IMPACT locations. (https://www.canada.ca/en/department-national-defence/news/2017/04/the_government_ofcanadaapprovesagrandfatherclauseinhardshipandri.html)

By a slim margin, Turkey votes to approve the consolidation of powers for the President, but the campaign results highlight serious divisions within the country. (http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/turkey-referendum-result-erdogan-1.4072720)

While attention is currently focused on the potential for traditional confrontation with North Korea, the author recalls that the likelihood of cyber-based conflict should not be underestimated as an attractive option for the beleaguered state. (https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/dont-underestimate-the-cyberthreat-from-syria-and-north-korea/2017/04/14/55f8101e-1b11-11e7-bcc2-7d1a0973e7b2_story.html?utm_term=.ab9e49a71bd1)

Analysis of the logic and background concerning the snap election call by UK PM May as the next step in the difficult and uncertain path the UK is following since the Brexit referendum. (http://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-39629603)

Malgré un président qui souhaite un rôle moins interventionniste dans le monde, les Forces américaines annoncent le déploiement de plusieurs dizaines de soldats pour aider la Somalie dans sa lutte contre les insurgés islamistes shebab. (http://www.45enord.ca/2017/04/washington-deploie-maintenant-des-dizaines-de-soldats-en-somalie/)

A timely reminder of the difficulties of ensuring food security and the immediate impact this has on overall population and national security. (http://www.theglobeandmail.com/opinion/the-world-has-a-surplus-of-food-so-why-cant-we-eliminate-hunger/article34709360/)

Des troubles sociaux en cours en Guyane ont d’impact sur les opérations spatiales basées dans ce pays. (http://www.lalibre.be/dernieres-depeches/afp/en-guyane-la-mobilisation-marque-une-pause-pour-le-dimanche-de-paques-58f34addcd70e80512e16273)

Further commentary on the investigation that resulted in the relief from duties of the VCDS last summer. (http://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/norman-leaks-investigation-1.4074493)

Analysis and commentary on the messaging that was delivered by the North Korean “Day of the Sun” military parade. (http://thediplomat.com/2017/04/north-koreas-2017-military-parade-was-a-big-deal-here-are-the-major-takeaways/)

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