What’s New from the CDA Institute, 18 May 2017

From the CEO:

After months of anticipation, the government has announced that the new Defence Policy for Canada will be made public 7 June 2017, prefaced by a formal Foreign Policy statement by the Minister of Foreign Affairs at a time to be announced.  The CDA and the CDA Institute have played a significant and active part in providing analysis and advice to the Government and Senate in the consultations they have conducted concerning security and defence.  The announcement of the new Policy does not bring this activity to a conclusion – we continue to encourage and promote an active discussion with, and by Canadians on the Policy itself and then the plans put in motion by the Minister, supported by the Chief of Defence Staff and Deputy Minister.  The recent additions to the discussion over the past weekend, highlighted below, reaffirm this commitment.

As part of the growing community of interest connected to the CDA Institute, I am pleased to note the recent addition of the Queen’s University Centre for International and Defence Policy (CIDP) as Associate Member of the Conference of Defence Associations.  You will find details for an upcoming CIDP Conference in our Associations section.

Finally, I would like to mention that later this year I will be stepping down from the position of CEO for the CDA and the CDA Institute after more than three very productive and satisfying years. The process of succession is well underway, the details of which may be found at: http://www.morgansearch.ca/opportunities_details.asp?id=28909

From the Research Manager and Senior Editor:

A reminder that the call for papers for the 20th Annual Graduate Student Symposium has been issued.  The first selection deadline has passed and so the next round of presentation abstracts must be submitted by 6 Sep. Nous recherchons des soumissions de partout au Canada, que ce soit en français ou en anglais. Further details on the symposium may be found at: http://cdainstitute.ca/events/graduate-student-symposium/

Recent CDA Institute Web Updates/Dernières mises à jour Web de l’Institute de la CAD:

CDA Institute CEO Tony Battista and Research Fellow Charles Davies weigh in on matching defence policy expectations with a budget to deliver them. (Toronto Sun and other Postmedia outlets, 11 May)


Ferry de Kerckhove, membre du conseil de l’administration de l’Institut du CAD, discute l’Afghânistân dans le contexte canadien. (La Presse, 12 mai)


CDA Institute CEO Tony Battista and Analyst Chris Cowan point to the necessity of a full and regular discussion of security and defence in Canada.


CDA Institute Research Manager and Senior Editor Matthew Overton places some context on the discussion of defence spending and the “2%” question in advance of the Defence Policy release.


CDA Institute Research Fellow Charles Davies examines the Senate committee report recommendation for a defence procurement agency.


From our Associations:

Details on the upcoming CIDP 12th Annual Kingston Conference on International Security “Developing the Super Soldier: Enhancing Military Performance” may be found at: http://www.queensu.ca/kcis/home

CDA Institute Aerograms – From our Research Fellow Howard Coombs

Available at (https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/14/business/vietnam-hackers-foreign-companies.html?emc=edit_th_20170515) is The New York Times’  “Small Countries’ New Weapon Against Goliaths: Hacking.” By Mike Ives and Paul Mozur this article argues that small countries are using hacking as an asymmetric weapon arguing that “Vietnam is a case in point, with a group that targets foreign companies appearing to be sponsored by the state, according to a new report.”

Available at (https://warontherocks.com/2017/05/back-to-first-principles-four-fundamental-questions-about-afghanistan/) is War on the Rocks’ “Back to First Principles: Four Fundamental Questions on Afghanistan.” In this commentary Stephen Tankel suggests that “any review that considers sending more troops must include a clear-eyed assessment of the interests at stake, the objectives these forces are intended to achieve and the probability of achieving them given the long-standing challenges in the region.”

“VR Howard”

News around the World:

Une perspective française sur les leçons de la cyber-attaque WannaCry (Les Echos, 17 mai)


Looking into what might be the results desired and targetting strategy of North Korea (Washington Post, 18 May)


The Government of Canada announces revised tax exemption for salaries of deployed Canadian Armed Forces personnel and Police Officers / Le gouvernement du Canada annonce les révisions de l’allègement fiscal supplémentaire pour le personnel des Forces armées canadiennes et les policiers.




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